Saturday, April 27, 2019

Does Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture really work?

Let me start off by saying I am weeks shy of my 36th birthday. I've been noticing that my crows feet are starting to grow branches. Those branches are big enough for birds to build nests on and lay their eggs in. And my laugh lines? I'm proud of those suckers. But heck, I don't need 15 of them.

You all know what happens next. Instagram listens to your thoughts, and a magical algorithm post pops up with the exact cure for your ailment. This is a true story. After a particularly low spout of confidence,
an impressive before and after of a Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture client popped up on my instagram. It was from Serenity Holistic Health in Oak Park, and their location was 5 minutes away from our house.

After going to their page for more info, I learned that Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture offers up to TEN years of results with 10 treatments (2 per week x 45 minute appointments) and just a handful of follow-up appointments.

I hadn't really heard about Mei Zen before, but I like the sound of ten year results! So, what exactly is Mei Zen? In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the state of the physical health, emotional health, and spirit is reflected with the health of your skin. The needles increase Qi and blood flow to the face, which helps the production of collagen and elastin.

Depending on your needs, Maureen McLaughlin, Licensed Acupuncturist at Serenity Holistic Health puts 40-70 needles in the places your face needs it the most. She balances you with a few in your hands and feet, as well as any area you’re experiencing pain. Be aware that you do feel the needles. Most are completely tolerable, others pinch. 

* you can try a mini Mei Zen free to see how you would handle the full treatment.

After the needles are in, you lay for 45 minutes (my favorite part!), then the needles come out. Lastly, Maureen jade rolls some pretty amazing youth serum on your face. After each appointment, I quickly run to the mirror because I know I look like I just got 10 hours of sleep, and am glowing like JLO on the red carpet.

It is different for everyone, but after the 6th appointment I saw noticeable results. By the 7th I felt transformed. More awake looking. Reduction of those fine lines. My face is more symmetrical and my skin is smoother to the touch. I see the change in the mirror, and in photos. I leave each treatment glowing. Celebrities do this treatment before big events because the immediate results are brightening and tightening! You heard me, there's absolutely no down time with this treatment. Quite the opposite.

There are some great shots and testimonials at Serenity Oak Park's Instagram page. They also offer treatments for a whole list of ailments including infertility acupuncture, Naturopathic medicine, Reiki, stress relief, and all things wonderfully holistic.

Here are my before (top) and after (bottom) shots:

I’ve noticed my confidence has gone up after having these treatments under my belt. The eye branches are whittled back, and in down to a reasonable 2-3 laugh lines per cheek.What about you? Have you tried this treatment? If you're interested in hearing more, don't hesitate to ask me or contact them directly

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas out there! 

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